Charlie Monroe was born one hundred and thirty three years ago in Prague, former Austria-Hungary, then Czechoslovakia, now the Czech Republic.

During his way through life he has forgotten about art for a long time, finding it very recently, trying to eagerly catch up with his own feelings, thoughts, reaching out to a to-him-new world of art.

Almost all of his works are acrylic paintings on canvas (no plywood or anything like that).

Art Shows

Annålízåkvětu - June 29, 2015 (Prague)
Galerie Amadeus.
Protože lítací koloušek nemá anál - September 30, 2014 (Písek)
Lovec mamutích snů - March 1, 2014 (Prague)
Nota Bene.
Svět nám řekl "NE" - October 2, 2013 (Prague)
Galerie Amadeus.
Těšilo mě, nashledanou - April 10, 2012 (Prague)
U Kaštanu.
We Are the Worm - August 9, 2011 (Prague)
Museum Policie ČR.
Monstrum ve mně, monstrum v tobě - August 6, 2011 (Těchobuz)
Galerie Bernarda Bolzana Těchobuz.
All the Ways to Heaven Lead Through Hell - May 3, 2011 (Prague)
Café Na půl cesty.
Every Time I Die, Something Cool Happens - Jan 6, 2011 (Plzeň)
In American Center.
Brány pekelné - Dec 5, 2008 (Plzeň)
In a lovely gallery 'Visio Art' in Plzeň. You can see an invitation here. For some images from the show, see here.
Hell's Just Heaven Upside Down - Aug 1, 2008 (Prague)
The art show took place in a gallery called 'U zlatého kohouta' in the Prague center. You can see an invitation here.

Charlie is open to any new ideas, questions, etc. If you feel like talking right to him, you can try to reach him at